The Liebster Award

So, this has been a rather blog-taggy week for me. XD There’s this wonderful little award challenge running around that helps people discover new blogs and connect with new friends known as the Liebster Award Challenge.

Look! It's sparkly and pretty colors!
Look! It’s sparkly and pretty colors!

Thanks so much to Penny from Penny Reads for nominating me! Hop on over to check out her blog with its cute title and fun content. 😉

The rules for the Liebster Award Challenge are as follows

  • Thank the nominator and link back to his/her blog.
  • Answer the questions asked by the nominator.
  • Ask eleven questions of your own.
  • Nominate other bloggers of your own!

And now, to answer the questions posed by the bookworm…

 – If you were to write a book, what would it entail?

I’m actually hoping to one day publish a novel. It would have to entail a plot and characters that together form a story that people won’t feel like they’ve wasted their time reading.

– What’s the weirdest place you’ve read a book?

When reading a book, I’m in the book, so I suppose strange fantasy lands?

– What’s it like where you are?

Right now? It’s kinda hot, but other than that it’s green and lovely, and the sky is quite blue.

– The book that changed your world and/or imprinted on you?

In the fear of being cliché, I’m going to say the Bible. I haven’t yet read the entire thing, but there’s so much life-changing content in there.

– You’re ideal weekend?

Oooh, a fun party with all my closest friends, epic family time, the reading of an excellent book, the watching of an epic movie and more friends/family time…all in one weekend. Yes, let’s somehow smush that in there.

– Why did you start blogging?

Hahaha, honestly it was a spur-of-the-moment decision. My friend started a blog, and I was like, heyyy, blogging kind of sounds fun! So I started my own!

– You’re favourite book to movie adaptation?

I’m going to have to say Ella Enchanted, mostly because they didn’t ruin the book by making it into a movie. The few changes that were made were more appropriate for a movie as the changed scenes in the book would’ve kinda been boring in movie-form. There are other books that I enjoyed as movies, but I have complaints about them so I can’t claim them as my favorites.

– A book that disappointed you?

I am extremely vocal on how disappointed I was by The Fault in Our Stars. I was just expecting too much, I suppose, based on all that hype, but I didn’t really like it. I mean, I did enjoy the last two pages, partially because I was almost done, but partially because the content was sweet, but other than that, it was a major disappointment to me.

– What does your playlist look like?

Hahaha, oh my. You would be looking at a huge mish-mash. I’ve got modern pop songs, tons of Skillet, some Fallout Boy, oldies like Billy Joel, movie soundtracks (those are the best!), some hip-hop, the occasional rap…actually the list keeps going.

– What would you ask your favourite author?

Can we hang out? Please???

And to fulfill my curiosity, these are some things I’d like to know.

  1. This is probably extremely cliché, but what got you starting on blogging?
  2. What is one thing you want everyone to know about yourself?
  3. What type of music do you listen to regularly? Does it help you concentrate?
  4. If you were stranded on an island and to pass the time, you’d re-watch the same movie and keep re-reading the same book for two weeks, what movie and book would you like to be left with?
  5. When you feel you need to say something that could potentially hurt a friend, do you choose your words carefully so you cause the least pain without lying, simply blurt out exactly what’s on your mind, or lie?
  6. Would you rather…for one month: be stranded in a small house with your three best friends or be free to roam the land without anyone at all?
  7. Do you have any ridiculous fears, something you know won’t ever hurt you, but it still kinda freaks you out? If yes, what is it?
  8. If you could live out the life of any fictional character from any form of entertainment, who would you want to be?
  9. What’s an embarrassing tale from your younger days?
  10. What’s your favorite quote?
  11. Would you be able to survive without the internet? (And I don’t mean just a short break. A complete cut-off from it forever.)

These are the wonderful people I’d like to nominate! Swing on by their blogs and have a peek. 🙂

11 thoughts on “The Liebster Award

  1. Oh my gosh, I love seeing everyone’s answers for this award; I love your answers! 😀 SKILLET! Skillet is good (I haven’t heard too much of them – only what’s on Air1 [this Christian radio station], but). And rap? Like, Christian rap? *squeaks* XD Do you listen to Lecrae or NF (although, he’s more hip-hop)? I’m sorry for all the questions; I could talk about music for hours, lol. XD Do you have a current novel that you’re working on (that you want to get published)? AND IT IS SUCH BEAUTIFUL WEATHER OVER THERE! That is glorious! 😀

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Congratulations on becoming a Liebster nominee. I like learning about new bloggers through these awards and I was nodding ‘yes, yes, yes’ on your assessment of The Fault in Our Stars. While there were a few passages that had literary merit, otherwise that book was a huge disappointment. Plot and characters were way too formulaic and predictable and throwing in that gruff older character detracted, rather than added, to the storyline. I din’t even think I finished it, it was so bad.


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