Flash Season 2: Mixed Feelings

UGH. Okay. So last night I finished the Season 2 Finale of CW’s The Flash, and I have many issues. Now granted, I obviously very much enjoyed the show as I binged the entire series in three days, but that was due to its good superficial entertainment value. After an A+ first season, I hopped into the second season full of love for the characters, so I was already invested, but after the 23 episodes I was left disappointed and oh-so-annoyed.

Now normally my reviews are spoiler free, but not today, so I regret to inform you that if you aren’t looking for major spoilers, you’ll have to stop reading this post until you finish the show.

Season One of The Flash contained an excellent storyline. We viewers were dragged through intriguing twists and turns and everything made sense. Of course, the villain was given away a little too early, ruining any surprise. We knew Dr. Wells, or actually as it turned out Eobard Thawne was a sketchball from the beginning, but his character was still intriguing, and his villainy made sense. His relationship with Barry was so special which made his betrayal all the worse, but we were met with many believable relationships. It was encouraging to see Barry grow and accept things such as the fact that Iris wasn’t in love with him. Life happens. But in Season 2, it felt like they were trying to force this relationship to happen. Barry was very happy with Patty and Iris was genuinely happy for them, but midway through the season she starts questioning her feelings? Why? It honestly led nowhere and was quite pointless.

Speaking of forced relationships…Hunter and Caitlin. I was not buying that one bit. Oh no, evil villain destroying many worlds has a weakness because of his fondness for some girl. Hunter and Caitlin’s romance was cute at first, but once it was discovered that this so called Jay Garrick was actually Zoom, I couldn’t buy that his emotions of love were strong enough to influence his decisions as they did. In fact Zoom as a whole after his reveal didn’t really make sense and with this speedsters grabbing time remnants of themselves (these still confuse me) at their very whim made me wonder why Zoom’s grand plan was just to race Barry. That’s it? Zoom is honestly SO powerful and has apparently already ruined other Earths that he could’ve done better. It was REALLY hard to get invested in this season’s major storyline after the reveal. Here I was rooting for the team as they worked to try to stop Zoom and save Jesse (Omgosh, I’m still in love with Wells), but after that happened, everything sort of became blase. And Barry giving up his powers? Stupidest.Move.Ever.

Flash One
Nope, this really wasn’t happening. Maybe a cute fling, but Zoom acting as he did? Nope.

And Barry running back in time to talk to Eobard Thawne/evil Wells? Another stupid move. Plus, he was sooo bad at not letting the timeline remain intact. He warned his team about things instead of letting them happen, and he didn’t even do a good enough job to fool me, so it’s no small wonder that Thawne/evil Wells, a brilliant man figured out something was amiss. I just wasn’t buying that. Plus the only repurcussion of Barry’s screwing with the timeline was that Hartley was around when he returned to the present and that creepy ghost thing followed him. No. There had to be many more changes. Speaking of altering the timeline…the ending. NO. In the season one finale, Barry had the chance to save his mother, but he knew he shouldn’t, especially with the help of other Barry shaking his head to stop him, but here soon after Barry finally comes to terms with his mother’s death, Barry goes back in time to save her. WHAT THE HECK?! Like honestly this is ridiculous. In stopping Reverse-Flash, Barry just destroyed the whole storyline of Season One, on which Season Two continued, so everything that just happened is gone. And Barry loves Joe. Joe is his dad. He’s said that. What is his problem? Yes, he’s shook up because his dad just died, but if he can travel back in time all willy-nilly, why not just save Henry? Also, won’t the Speed Force (which apparently is some deity-ish entity) be pissed about this? And Barry is integral to the rest of this DC Universe thing these CW shows have going…like Arrow. How much does this change everything? I know people have probably been complaining about all this for a couple months, but this decision was ridiculous. Barry can’t just be changing his mind like this.

Flash Three
Come on Fam! You legit just accepted your mom’s fate, and here you are trying to change life?

Barry actually got a bit annoying in this season…second half that is. Iris didn’t seem to have as important of a role which was a little disappointing. Same with Joe. I missed his great mentoring from the first season. Cisco got an upgrade which was fun. And of course Wells was back!! As you know, from my ranting from the first season, I absolutely love Dr. Wells (or as he was in the first season Eobard Thawne). I needed to get used to the angrier and more brusque demeanor of Earth Two Wells, but it didn’t take long. His lovable intelligence was intact, and I loved Earth Two Wells’ seeming nonchalance and brisk responses when people would tell him things or compare him to evil Wells. That was a thing, although Wells had his secrets at first, he was a good guy. Yayy. Honestly, I have to throw appreciation to Tom Cavangh’s superb acting skills for part of my affection for Wells. I would even go as far to say is the best on the show. Unfortunately, I felt the season two acting was rather mediocre (other than Bae Cavangh of course). Teddy Sears was a bit monotone as Jay Garrick/Zoom/Hunter and Danielle Panabaker didn’t pull off evil very well. Honestly, the Earth Two doppelgangers were almost laughable. I mean, I loved the ideas behind those episodes, but it didn’t seem to work very well.

Flash Two
Can’t complain about Bae. ❤ Obvi, I’m biased, but I honestly think Wells’ character was well-developed. 

While I’m here bashing the season, I did enjoy it. I mean I did happily watch it all in three days. I’m not happy with the ending, but the first half of the season was honestly pretty engaging and the plots were going somewhere. Actually they were pretty good. Unfortunately, their appeal was lost after the Zoom reveal. Something just happened and it all went downhill. And there is just too much wrong with the time travel and questions surrounding these paradoxes that in a way helped ruin the second half of the show. Cisco and Wells were the true heroes of this season as they helped maintain engagement for the second half. I look forward to seeing how Season 3 deals with the epic time crisis Barry has created, and I hope for stronger relationships between the characters as well as a more engaging and intriguing storyline. Season 1 was SO good, Man. Season 3 better bring the attack this fall. I miss my good Barry. ALSO: one thing with the timeline crisis is that this totally means that Dr. Wells, the original, the real Earth One Wells can definitely come around in Season 3, and I will gladly accept his existence.

Flash Season 1 and Dr. Wells!

Alright, something has to be wrong with me. This happened with Loki in the Avengers and now here in the Flash. I love the villain. Now, it’s no spoiler for me to tell you that Dr. Wells is a villain. The very first episode, we see that he is a major sketchball, but despite his villainous actions, he’s my favorite character. And it sucks because if he didn’t have that mysterious villainous side, I don’t believe I would like him as much. But I mean I also like him for his good qualities. He is majorly intelligent and for the most part, he has a calm personality and has this calculating persona when he’s thinking, which is what he’s usually doing. I love it. I love him. Maybe I’m just falling into his manipulative tendencies just like I fell for Loki…but just like Loki…I don’t care.

Dr. Wells.jpg

SO, even though I just started Flash the other day, I finished it last night. Why is that? Because I LOVE it, and the only reason I stopped my binge last night was because Netflix doesn’t have Season 2. (Honestly, the travesty! >.<) Did I still love it as much as I did after the first couple episodes? Yes! I will admit towards the middle, it started to get a little slow because they needed to drag the major plot line out for the entire season. Obviously those little villain face-offs Flash had every episode did not need to be dragged out, lol. But all in all, I found the story to be quite engaging and maintain a decent amount of unpredictability to prevent boredom. The crossovers with Arrow were actually done well in a manner that actually made me appreciate those characters. And the drama. The drama was maintained at an agreeable and manageable level! Yes, the characters had their moments, but it wasn’t like every single episode. It was fantastic to see Team Flash work together and grow together. I swear, I could also see the acting improve as the episodes progressed. The characters are great—people I’d love to meet in real life. (Actually, I’ve been daydreaming about hanging out with the Flash crew for a few days now. I’m not sure what sort of science and magic I’ll have to perform to make that happen though…) Barry is absolutely adorable and I love his spirit. He has a great group of people to support him and their quirks are just as fun.


Flash Season 1 did not feel like a waste of my time. I thoroughly enjoyed it and looked forward to watching every episode. I can’t wait to see what Season 2 brings to the table. And don’t you worry, I will find a way to watch it. I MUST. Also I do not and will not apologize for my love for the character of Harrison Wells. He’s still my favorite. XD


Flash is actually good!

I was pretty hesitant to start watching the Flash after my little stint with Arrow last summer. I had somewhat of a love/hate relationship with Arrow. There were so many things I couldn’t stand, but Flash was quite a pleasant surprise. First of all, I much like the main character (yeah, Oliver Queen is obnoxious in my opinion). Secondly, there isn’t annoying drama! Yesss! I’m so happy to be at episode ten and be not finding any ridiculous or excessive drama. Thirdly, there isn’t an annoying repetitive opening sequence. I am SO grateful Barry switches up how he introduces each episode.

Flash is fun! Barry Allen is ABSOLUTELY adorable. I love his character and the actor is quite cute too. 😉 He has a great group of people he runs with who are useful as he chases down the bad guys every episode. And he’s learning. He’s new to his powers and it’s cool to see him grow. Actually there was an episode where Oliver Queen trained Barry. I could not believe how mature and likeable Oliver appeared…Okay, I need to chill before this turns into a rant about Oliver Queen.

Every episode just makes Barry more lovable, and the show has a light-hearted yet serious nature, which is wonderful. While every episode focuses on a new villain, there is also two other mysterious storylines that weave through the series. I’m excited to see how they turn out.

I mean, I’m not even halfway through the first season (Goodness, I only started yesterday), but I’m really enjoying Flash, and so far have zero complaints. XD