
You poke prod and play.

I feel it.

All I do is feel
Just feel it
That’s all
All I feel like I can do
All I want to

But now I hold it towards you
Bringer it closer than before
To pretend to have control
As you toy with what is sacred.

I know what I want.
I know what I need.
I know what I deserve.
I let this cloud my mind and
Poison my judgement.

I wish I said these things to you
I have of the agency of my own mind

Of my own voice

But I choose not to use them.
Instead I return
Over and over
Letting your inexpiable amusement
Tear it slowly

To my own demise.

The Bulb

Sometimes a bulb is planted but
It chooses not to bloom until the planter waters another.
When there are too many blooms, the planter
Chooses the prettiest to cut and display, hidden from the light, but
It is the one not cut that will survive the longest.
This one will contain the beauty shared with the world,
As it blooms in nature, for all to see, for all to behold, but
It too will pass one day, but when it does it may leave a child
For the world to keep forever, and through this,
The bloom will never fail.

Many bulbs are planted.
Few will bloom.
And only one could ever last forever.


You wake up in an unfamiliar room
You look around you, but you can’t see
They meld together unknown…

You wake up in an unfamiliar room
You try to speak, but words don’t exist
You see them meld together unknown…

You wake up in an unfamiliar room
You try to touch, but there is nothing
You say they meld together unknown…

You wake up in an unfamiliar room
You listen intently, but there is no sound
You feel them meld together unknown…

You wake up in an unfamiliar room
You inhale deeply, but there is no smell
You hear them meld together unknown…

You wake up in an unfamiliar room
You try to lick, but there is nothing to taste
You smell them meld together unknown…

You wake up in a familiar room
Say the chant, feel your brothers, taste and smell their presence, hear yourself and them and you and them and you and you alone.

You meld together as one,



Fill My Cup

I took the day to fill my cup
But you come to puncture my soul
The water leaves, streaming out
My life, my happiness, my hope
It is as though, the thirst will stay
Yearning, yearning, wanting more
I see the water pure and sweet
Why must you persist in blocking me?
You steal my water, pour it out
You don’t even appreciate it whole
You’re always there, watching me
I can’t escape your hold
I hold the pitcher to pour it in
You’re on your way, I know
It is clear water, but you grab the die
Slowly, you taint my soul.

Star Trek: Beyond — Amazing

Star Trek: Beyond is a fantastic film! I absolutely enjoyed it.

One of the biggest draws was the spectacular CGI. I simply cannot get over how amazing the art was in this movie. In every scene, everything was so well done, and the space scenes were simply beautiful.

The acting was on point as was the engaging story line. There was even character development!

I recently posted a review on MoviePilot.com where I elaborate on why it’s such a great film. Please check out this link https://creators.co/posts/4016242.

Ghostbusters — A Hilarious Delight

Now, I am not all too familiar with the original Ghostbusters franchise. Prior to watching this movie tonight all I knew was the renowned “Who you gonna call?” line, but everyone knows that. Ghostbusters was an absolute hilarious delight.

GB 1

The plot of the movie is pretty standard. A group of people work together to ward off evil, which in this movie comes in the form of ghosts, who receive full access to NYC from one man.

But the delivery was fabulous. The characters were all so quirky and funny! Ghostbusters delivered a lot of laughs. The humor wasn’t too much nor was it too dry. There was a good balance of commonly used jokes and humor situational to this specific setting. Kevin was a riot. I was, obviously, extremely thrilled to see the exceedingly handsome Chris Hemsworth appear on screen. His character, however, was only hot. He was kinda an idiot, but the lovable kind that makes you laugh… a lot. Melissa McCarthy and Kristen Wiig played their characters very well. Kate McKinnon’s character might be my favorite. She acted like life was a joke and as if she took nothing seriously, but she was actually a brilliant engineer who gets the job done. Leslie Jones’ character was a confident gem. It’s always great to see minorities on the big screen portrayed in a positive light. Speaking of positivity, it was also fabulous to have a cast of mainly women, strong not sexualized women at that!

GB 2
This dorky look is something I definitely dig on Hemsworth. Even if the dorkiness was not on par with the character, lol!

So, the characters were great and needless to say I approve of the casting. The plot was easy to follow despite the constant paranormal-speak, and the special effects were at an appropriate level. They were very well done. They were animated to fit the humorous nature of movie. The movie was charming, humorous, and just a lot of fun! It’s worth the time to kick back and enjoy.

Top Ten Tuesday: Ten Facts About Me

TopTenIt’s been a little while since I participated in the Broke and the Bookish blog’s Top Ten Tuesday, but here we go with this week’s extremely open theme: Ten Facts About Me! Some of these you might have already figured out based on my other posts or maybe not. XP

1. I am a rising junior in college.

2. My favorite actor is currently Tom Cavanagh. Brilliant man. Absolutely brilliant. Also due to my newfound love for him, I’m kinda over my old crush. XD


3. I am the oldest of three and the only daughter.

This is actually harder than I expected. Like I’m not really sure what I want to share, lol.

4. My favorite songs include Partition – Beyoncé, Come Get Her – Rae Sremmund, Panda – Desiigner, I’m Turnt – Lecrae, and Whispers in the Dark – Skillet. (I could totally listen to these for hours.)

5. Captain America has been dethroned as my favorite superhero. Ironically, it was after watching Captain America: Civil War that I decided Black Panther is where it’s at.


6. I’m obsessed with Spinach.

7. Getting really into a superhero show or movie bestows me with a random temporary confidence boost. I mean idk what that is, but I’ll take it.

8. I’ve never been in a serious romantic relationship. That will come eventually methinks. Legit all I’ve had is this lameO 3 day fling, lol.

9. My poetry has turned into an outlet for raw emotions for me.

10. I was interviewed for TV once, but the only thing from my four minute interview they could use was a seriously lame quote.

Cowardice and the Cowardly Dog

The Daily Post hosts a daily prompt every day, today’s being cowardice. As I was thinking about whether or not I wanted to participate I remembered thetelevision show Courage of the Cowardly Dog on Cartoon Network, and ironically you know what it reminded me of? Fear.

I remember the first and last time I watched that show; it left me in tears. I was pretty young, maybe five or six, but old enough to know that it was a cartoon and not real life, but nonetheless that show freaked me out. Actually to this day, I have no interest whatsoever in watching it. All I remember is there was this giant mosquito thing that the old man crashed into so the couple took it home to nurture it. Then the evil thing sucked all their life out! It left them as bones! Somebody tell me that is not a traumatizing thing for a juvenile to see. So yeah.

I cried.

A lot.

And I was scared.

A lot.

dog.jpgLooking at a image of the dog now, he’s honestly kind of cute. But whatever courage this cowardly dog has…I assure you I do not.

She’s Coming

Every week, Priceless Joy over at Flash Fiction for Aspiring Writers provides a photo prompt for participants to write a 100-150 word piece based on the photo. My submission for this week’s prompt comes in a little over at 169 words.

Thanks to Yinglan for this week’s prompt!


It was his daily mantra. His optimistic hope never wavering.

This is the day. I can feel it.
This is day we will leave. This is the day we will go Home.
It’s been three years since our new Human started taking care of us. I know she loves us as do her younglings, our joy, but our loyalty belongs to our first Human. Today is the day she will return for us.
I can smell it in the air. Today we will finally be reunited. She will come.

Cynthia paused, caught in emotion. She wondered what Bailey was thinking peering from behind the fence. She couldn’t help but think his expectant and hopeful look was not for her but for Desiree. Exactly three years today, that fire had changed everything.
Despite her sorrow, Cynthia had poured so much love into these dogs.

After all, they were her last connection to her dead sister.

Flash Season 2: Mixed Feelings

UGH. Okay. So last night I finished the Season 2 Finale of CW’s The Flash, and I have many issues. Now granted, I obviously very much enjoyed the show as I binged the entire series in three days, but that was due to its good superficial entertainment value. After an A+ first season, I hopped into the second season full of love for the characters, so I was already invested, but after the 23 episodes I was left disappointed and oh-so-annoyed.

Now normally my reviews are spoiler free, but not today, so I regret to inform you that if you aren’t looking for major spoilers, you’ll have to stop reading this post until you finish the show.

Season One of The Flash contained an excellent storyline. We viewers were dragged through intriguing twists and turns and everything made sense. Of course, the villain was given away a little too early, ruining any surprise. We knew Dr. Wells, or actually as it turned out Eobard Thawne was a sketchball from the beginning, but his character was still intriguing, and his villainy made sense. His relationship with Barry was so special which made his betrayal all the worse, but we were met with many believable relationships. It was encouraging to see Barry grow and accept things such as the fact that Iris wasn’t in love with him. Life happens. But in Season 2, it felt like they were trying to force this relationship to happen. Barry was very happy with Patty and Iris was genuinely happy for them, but midway through the season she starts questioning her feelings? Why? It honestly led nowhere and was quite pointless.

Speaking of forced relationships…Hunter and Caitlin. I was not buying that one bit. Oh no, evil villain destroying many worlds has a weakness because of his fondness for some girl. Hunter and Caitlin’s romance was cute at first, but once it was discovered that this so called Jay Garrick was actually Zoom, I couldn’t buy that his emotions of love were strong enough to influence his decisions as they did. In fact Zoom as a whole after his reveal didn’t really make sense and with this speedsters grabbing time remnants of themselves (these still confuse me) at their very whim made me wonder why Zoom’s grand plan was just to race Barry. That’s it? Zoom is honestly SO powerful and has apparently already ruined other Earths that he could’ve done better. It was REALLY hard to get invested in this season’s major storyline after the reveal. Here I was rooting for the team as they worked to try to stop Zoom and save Jesse (Omgosh, I’m still in love with Wells), but after that happened, everything sort of became blase. And Barry giving up his powers? Stupidest.Move.Ever.

Flash One
Nope, this really wasn’t happening. Maybe a cute fling, but Zoom acting as he did? Nope.

And Barry running back in time to talk to Eobard Thawne/evil Wells? Another stupid move. Plus, he was sooo bad at not letting the timeline remain intact. He warned his team about things instead of letting them happen, and he didn’t even do a good enough job to fool me, so it’s no small wonder that Thawne/evil Wells, a brilliant man figured out something was amiss. I just wasn’t buying that. Plus the only repurcussion of Barry’s screwing with the timeline was that Hartley was around when he returned to the present and that creepy ghost thing followed him. No. There had to be many more changes. Speaking of altering the timeline…the ending. NO. In the season one finale, Barry had the chance to save his mother, but he knew he shouldn’t, especially with the help of other Barry shaking his head to stop him, but here soon after Barry finally comes to terms with his mother’s death, Barry goes back in time to save her. WHAT THE HECK?! Like honestly this is ridiculous. In stopping Reverse-Flash, Barry just destroyed the whole storyline of Season One, on which Season Two continued, so everything that just happened is gone. And Barry loves Joe. Joe is his dad. He’s said that. What is his problem? Yes, he’s shook up because his dad just died, but if he can travel back in time all willy-nilly, why not just save Henry? Also, won’t the Speed Force (which apparently is some deity-ish entity) be pissed about this? And Barry is integral to the rest of this DC Universe thing these CW shows have going…like Arrow. How much does this change everything? I know people have probably been complaining about all this for a couple months, but this decision was ridiculous. Barry can’t just be changing his mind like this.

Flash Three
Come on Fam! You legit just accepted your mom’s fate, and here you are trying to change life?

Barry actually got a bit annoying in this season…second half that is. Iris didn’t seem to have as important of a role which was a little disappointing. Same with Joe. I missed his great mentoring from the first season. Cisco got an upgrade which was fun. And of course Wells was back!! As you know, from my ranting from the first season, I absolutely love Dr. Wells (or as he was in the first season Eobard Thawne). I needed to get used to the angrier and more brusque demeanor of Earth Two Wells, but it didn’t take long. His lovable intelligence was intact, and I loved Earth Two Wells’ seeming nonchalance and brisk responses when people would tell him things or compare him to evil Wells. That was a thing, although Wells had his secrets at first, he was a good guy. Yayy. Honestly, I have to throw appreciation to Tom Cavangh’s superb acting skills for part of my affection for Wells. I would even go as far to say is the best on the show. Unfortunately, I felt the season two acting was rather mediocre (other than Bae Cavangh of course). Teddy Sears was a bit monotone as Jay Garrick/Zoom/Hunter and Danielle Panabaker didn’t pull off evil very well. Honestly, the Earth Two doppelgangers were almost laughable. I mean, I loved the ideas behind those episodes, but it didn’t seem to work very well.

Flash Two
Can’t complain about Bae. ❤ Obvi, I’m biased, but I honestly think Wells’ character was well-developed. 

While I’m here bashing the season, I did enjoy it. I mean I did happily watch it all in three days. I’m not happy with the ending, but the first half of the season was honestly pretty engaging and the plots were going somewhere. Actually they were pretty good. Unfortunately, their appeal was lost after the Zoom reveal. Something just happened and it all went downhill. And there is just too much wrong with the time travel and questions surrounding these paradoxes that in a way helped ruin the second half of the show. Cisco and Wells were the true heroes of this season as they helped maintain engagement for the second half. I look forward to seeing how Season 3 deals with the epic time crisis Barry has created, and I hope for stronger relationships between the characters as well as a more engaging and intriguing storyline. Season 1 was SO good, Man. Season 3 better bring the attack this fall. I miss my good Barry. ALSO: one thing with the timeline crisis is that this totally means that Dr. Wells, the original, the real Earth One Wells can definitely come around in Season 3, and I will gladly accept his existence.